student loan cases

Make Student Loan Cases Profitable

Increase profit per client by expanding your services to include student loan cases, one of the fastest growing areas of law. 

This is the perfect time to prepare for the end of the Student Loan Pause granted by the CARES Act.  Student loan cases are a specialized niche that you can address as an add-on to a variety of other case types. Recent reports indicate that student loan debt now exceeds 1.7 trillion dollars, the demand will only increase. Further, because student loans are rarely dischargeable in bankruptcy, borrowers are trapped and are in desperate need of help. 

Everyday I receive calls and e-mails from people wondering what they can do to deal with student loans. It could be a parent, it could be a concerned sibling, or it could be the borrower themselves calling. It could even be a parent that co-signed for their child. From simple questions to abusive collection conduct, the demand for legal help for student loan issues has never been greater.

Contact me or call 802-735-9444 if you have at least four people, including paralegals, that you would like trained. We can schedule a private workshop on dates that work best for you and your team.

Student loan cases impact these areas of law covered in the workshop

Administrative/Government - Military/Veterans' Issues

Make sure your clients are receiving the benefit of being a government employee through Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Members of the military have special protections and options few are aware of. Learn what these are and how to profit while helping these brave people.


Student loan borrowers often seek the advice of a bankruptcy attorney when they have issues with their student loans. Learn how to assist them with all facets of their student loans, even where bankruptcy may not be needed. Learn methods to address federal student loans in Chapter 13 filings.

Business & Corporations

Help your clients handle their personal student loans so they can focus on their business needs. Business and personal credit are often requirements for growing small businesses and sole proprietorships. Learn how to manage student loan debt to maintain good credit and payment history while reducing the payments so they can invest in their business


Know the protections afforded to federal student loan borrowers, how creditors violate these rights, and what to do about it to protect your clients.

Consumer Law

If you fight for consumers, you fight for student loan borrowers. Learn about the intersection of student loans and consumer rights, both Federal and State protections while adding additional revenue streams and value for your student loan cases.

Criminal Law

Depending on whether your client is the victim or the culprit, their student loans can be affected in many ways. Learn what options are available for student loan borrowers and the effects on them when a person is involved with a criminal event.

Elder Law

The number of senior citizens with student loan debt is on the rise. Learn how to help your clients address their student loans, no matter what their age or stage in life. Help them to afford retirement, address health concerns and more through student loan repayment options.

Estate Planning & Trusts

Help your clients plan for retirement without the fear of “what-ifs” that surround student loans. Give your clients clarity and peace of mind that student loan debt can be managed and not disrupt estate and trusts. Attend the workshop to learn how.

Family Law - Adoption

Did you know that credit, financial responsibility and debt can play into your client’s ability to adopt?  Learn the financial impacts of federal student loans beyond the debt and how to reduce its effect on the adoption process.

Family Law - Divorce

Divorce often creates money problems. This can make any existing problems worse. Learn the pitfalls of divorce decrees when it comes to student loans and college planning. If federal student loans were combined, learn the methods and issues with trying to split them.

Identity Theft

Student loans are sometimes wrapped in claims of who signed for what loan benefiting who. These cases can result in identity theft claims which have particular rules as they pertain to student loans. Learn what must be done to affect a student loan when it comes to identity theft, proving it and processing the claim successfully.

Immigration Law

Are student loans an issue for your clients? Is their federal student loan status preventing them from completing the immigration process? Help them deal with this issue so they can focus on bigger concerns like citizenship.

Injury – Wrongs, Malpractice, Personal,
Automobile Accidents, etc

If your client has an injury claim, dealing with student loans is a must. Don’t rely on a simple letter of protection. Learn how to maneuver the system so your client comes out ahead regardless of the claim.

Labor/Employment Law - ERISA

Don’t let a labor/employment dispute get in the way of your client’s student loans. Learn how the system works to protect your client during and after the dispute.

Non-Profits and Not-For-Profits

If you advise non-profits, be sure to add value by showing them how to administer and offer Public Service Loan Forgiveness information. It is a great way to help them to recruit and retain their employees!


Do student loans really affect your client’s estate? Find out. The answer could be surprising and may change the way probate works for this particular debt. Discover strategies for addressing what may occur in probate.

Real Estate – Purchases, Rentals,
Construction & Foreclosures

Real estate transactions can be devastated by student loan issues. Learn how to quickly and neatly prevent, address and resolve issues so it doesn’t jeopardize a transaction.


This is a largely underrepresented area of law that has huge potential to help people. Student loan issues are occurring more often due to improper conduct by schools. Learn what the current options are to assist people at those schools and the potential changes coming to this area of law.

Social Security & Income Tax

Learn how Social Security benefits are impacted and how to avoid it. Help prevent Income Tax Intercepts and discover how paying the IRS can save your clients collection fees on their student loans.


Taxes and student loans are more related than you may know. A couple’s tax filing status can greatly affect a student loan borrower’s monthly payment. And for those who need advance retirement planning, the tax implications of some repayment plans cannot be understated. Learn the ins and outs of federal student loan repayment plans and impact and consequences involving tax at the workshop.

The Workshop Covers

  • The History of Student Loans
  • Understanding key differences between Federal, State, and Private Student Loans
  • The Student Loan Life Cycle
  • In-depth discussion of the different stages w/statutory and regulatory analysis
  • Collection practices specific to student loans
  • Typical student loan problems with issue spotting exercises
  • Understanding the 9 repayment plans and the financial and legal attributes
  • Emerging problems with student loans
  • Handling student loan cases in and out of bankruptcy
  • Defending student loan lawsuits – Especially those pesky private loans
  • Assisting with Administrative Discharges

Integrate student loan cases into your business

Over 500 attorneys have attended my workshop but the demand for student loan assistance is still not close to being met. Attend the Student Loan Law Workshop and learn how to profit from student loan cases while providing more value to your clients!